Have you ever wondered about the history of your soul?
Would you like to know where you come from and explore your past lives and themes?
Would you like guidance from this history to help with your life right now?

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Bringing you galactic guidance from your higher self.
Hi I'm Ruth. I am a certified Galactic Astrology reader through the wonderful work of Julia Balaz. I have spent many years immersing myself in esoteric subjects and as well as a long list of subjects I've personally researched I also have diplomas in crystal healing, herbalism, colour therapy and sport psychology. I have a passion for helping people to help themselves and I feel so strongly that this is part of my mission here on Earth at this time. Through looking at my own galactic astrology chart and akashic records I have found many wonderful insights into my own divine self and have had things that I have felt intuitively about my soul journey confirmed. It truly is a joy for me to be doing this work and I would love to have the opportunity to offer you some galactic guidance.
I am a single mum to 2 wonderful little starseeds who I also homeschool. We are based in Devon, England and I hope one day to have land so I can set up an organic growing area as growing food is another of my passions. I so look forward to connecting with you and being of service on your journey.